Cryptocurrency Investigations
and NFT Audits

Cryptocurrency and Digital Asset Investigations

In the digital realm, both cryptocurrencies and non-fungible Tokens (NFTs) are examples of legitimate digital assets. But as with all classes of assets, these too are subject to fraud, theft, diversion, scams, and schemes.

Cryptocurrency Investigations

Cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero, etc., are all digital currencies with no physical form; they exist only as digital records on a decentralized network of computers. The cryptocurrency transactions are logged on a distributed ledger. This ledger is known as the blockchain, which is replicated across a peer-to-peer network of cryptocurrency participants. While there is considerable mystique surrounding cryptocurrencies and a belief that all transactions are securely and safely managed in the blockchain, the truth is that just as in the real (physical) world, all things of value are not completely safe from those who would like to separate us from our valuables.

With specialized and proprietary programs as well as traditional investigative processes, the Maryman digital asset investigations team has proven time and again their expertise to identify, track and allow the recovery of stolen wallets and assets.

Let the Maryman cryptocurrency fraud investigation team ensure that the evidence you need is found, collected, preserved, and analyzed in a manner that allows its successful submission as evidence in courts, tribunals or at arbitration.

NFT Audits

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are unique digital assets that are not interchangeable. They are often referred to or associated with digital art. However, NFTs can also be music, videos, stories, scripts, or even books. They are typically purchased via Smart contracts handled by the Ethereum or Solana blockchain based DeFi (decentralized finance) ecosystem. There are a large number of marketplaces offering NFTs. A few of them are:

The Maryman digital asset investigations team has been called upon by clients wishing to audit the security of their NFTs. The verification of NFTs and the tracing of their ownership via blockchain ledgers is also commonly requested.

The Maryman team of experts have been qualified as digital forensic experts in local, state, federal and international courts.

Contact us today at 818-290-3775 to discover how engaging the Maryman team of experts may assist your case.

Cryptocurrency Fraud Investigation
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